February 23rd
Welcoming ceremony
Welcoming remarks by Moderators and MP Arnold Viersen – MP Viersen serves as Co-chair of the All-Party Parliamentary Group to End Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking (APPG). The APPG exists to work across party lines to advance anti-human trafficking policies that allow Canada to do all it can to end human trafficking.
Keynote Speaker
Jose Alfaro – Jose is a consultant and Lived Experience Expert on Domestic Child Sex Trafficking, Public Speaker, Author, Advocate, and Activist. He has worked with several anti-human trafficking organizations around the globe, to spread awareness on trafficking, specifically within the LGBTQ+ Community. He is currently working on a memoir depicting his own personal experiences with trafficking. He has been featured in several publications and has worked with law enforcement, DHS, and the DOJ to name a few. His work includes public speaking and giving lectures, sharing his story and statistics of human trafficking.
Trauma in Men and Boys Who Have Been Trafficked
Steven Procopio ACSW, LICSW- Steven Procopio is a consultant/trainer/therapist with an expertise in working with boys/men with complex trauma. He is the founder of the first free-standing project for trafficked boys in the United States. Additionally, he is a member of the United Nations Human Trafficking Task Force representing the needs of male victims of trafficking on an international level.
Personae Non Gratae; Treating the Trauma Trail
Dr. Jocelyn Monsma Selby is a mental health professional with 42 years of clinical practice experienceand not for profit directorship in the Calgary community. She has worked in professional settings, including police, legal, medical, and academic. In private practice she specializes in compulsive sexual behavior disorders and forensic evaluations related to child sexual abuse material. Jocelyn is Chair of “Connecting to Protect,” a global initiative aimed at addressing the mental health consequences of children accessing online pornography. She holds a PhD in Clinical Sexuality, a Master’s degree in Clinical Social Work.
12:25PM-1:30PM LUNCH
RBC Survivor Inclusion Initiative & Finance Against Slavery and Trafficking (FAST)
Dani Law is a co-founder of RBC’s Survivor Inclusion Initiative and a Senior Manager with the Global Diversity and Inclusion team. Caroline Tutakiewicz is a co-founder of RBC’s Survivor Inclusion Initiative and the Senior Director, Fraud Risk Management at RBC.
Daniel Thelesklaf- is the Director of the Finance against Slavery and Trafficking Initiative (FAST) at the UN University’s Centre for Policy Research in New York. He is a lawyer by profession with nearly 30 years of experience in financial regulation (Anti-Money Laundering and Anti-Corruption
Dr Leona Vaughn- is the Vulnerable Populations Lead for Finance Against Slavery and Trafficking (FAST) initiative within the United Nations University Centre for Policy Research. Leona holds a PhD (Sociology, Social Policy, and Criminology) and a master’s in social research and has over 25 years’ experience working as an equalities and social justice expert in the UK and internationally within higher education, civil society, and government.
OPP Anti-Human Trafficking Intelligence Led Joint Forces Strategy – East Region team case examples and investigative outline
Kevin Clarke – Detective Sergeant, East region, Provincial Human Trafficking Intelligence -led Joint Forces Strategy, Investigation Support Bureau, OPP.
Tracy Tucker – Detective Constable of the OPP Anti-Human Trafficking Unit, East region.
“OMG, I didn’t know that …”
Joanne Van Hooser – Indigenous Social Worker – A strong Kanehsata:ke- Onkwehonwe-Mohawk grandmother from the Bay of Quinte Mohawks, Tyendinaga Territory, Turtle Clan. With over 30 years of experience working with Indigenous youth and families who are or have been engaged in child welfare, gangs, connected or associated with Missing and Murder Indigenous women, prostitution, human trafficking, and other forms of criminal activity and systems.
Day 2
February 24th
Keynote Speaker
Simone Bell – Simone Bell is the Human Trafficking Victim Support Specialist at Ottawa Police Service. She has been in this role for over 3 years. This role is the first of its kind within OPS. Simone has been working in the field of Anti HT for 9 years. During her career she has trained the public, service providers and police nationally and internationally on Victim Mind Set, trauma and community mobilization. Previously she founded The Hope Found Project within Voice Found that supports victims/survivors with their healing and recovery. As a survivor of human trafficking her goal is to support survivors and prevent exploitation through public education.
Can Oppression Be Liberation: A Generational Impact of a Cycle of Violence.
Castanita Fitzpatrick, Consultant – is an advocate for those who have experienced homelessness, sex trafficking and drug abuse. As a survivor of abuse herself for over 31 years, Castanita is a public speaker and has testified for several entities including criminal and human trafficking intervention courts, direct service agencies, and Texas probation department. She has written a book about her life’s journey that has inspired many. Castanita has also served as a mentor for young girls and women who have endured drug addiction and prison. She aspires to complete her education and author her second book.
Intersections of Addictions and Human Trafficking.
Terri Soukup – with over the past 25 years’ experience, her career path has included the positions of Director of Client Services for the Distress Centre of Ottawa, VP of Operations for Helping Hands as well as Assistant Executive Director for Elizabeth Fry Society of Simcoe County She has an extensive background in crisis management and addiction services, with a feminist perspective.
11:25AM-12:25PM – LUNCH
Gender identity 101, The increased risk and vulnerabilities 2SLGBTQ youth face.
Kyla Clark- has been in the social service field for a number of years in different capacities. She is a Master Trainer with LivingWorks. Working in suicide intervention, Kyla has impacted many lives and created suicide-safer communities. In her current position as Program Coordinator of CORATH (Creating Opportunities and Resources Against The Trafficking of Humans) under the Roberts/Smart Centre, Kyla has become a fierce advocate to youth involved in sexual exploitation and human trafficking. As an identifying member of the 2SLGBTQ community, Kyla experienced marginalization and is committed to providing gender diverse and compassionate care to youth in the community.
Role of Healthcare Providers in Identifying and Supporting Trafficked Youth
Lynn Bates – continues to work as a Registered Nurse in the Emergency Departments of both The Ottawa Hospital as well as CHEO. Her role as a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner began in 2018 at the Civic Campus Sexual Assault and Partner Abuse Care Program. While working between both adult and pediatric hospitals, Lynn was able to obtain a broad view of human trafficking concerns occurring within our community.
Marita Smith – has worked as a Registered Nurse in the Emergency Department at CHEO for the last decade, joining the Sexual Assault Care Team in 2015 and completing Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner training with the Ontario Network of Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence Treatment Centers. Over the years she observed many gaps in care and barriers in the system particularly around the area of mental health, sexual health, and abuse prevention, most acutely when caring for the highest-risk patients such as victim/survivors of human trafficking.
Trafficking and Pornography: Unpacking the Links.
Gail Dines, PhD, – President, Culture Reframed and Professor Emerita of Sociology, has been researching and writing about the porn industry for well over thirty years. She is a recipient of the Myers Center Award for the Study of Human Rights, and author of numerous books and articles. Her latest book, Pornland: How Porn Has Hijacked Our Sexuality, has been translated
into five languages. Dr. Dines has worked with organizations such as the AAP, The CDC, as well as government bodies in the US, Brazil, UK, Poland.