The 18-Month Restorative Treatment Program Offers

  • A safe, secure, and confidential 4-bed restorative residence
  • Each young woman has their own bedroom and a shared communal living space
  • Healthy meals, addiction support, trauma counselling, individual goal planning
  • 24/7 trained in-home staff
  • A length of stay of approximately 18 months but is determined by each resident and their individual path of recovery

Who Can Apply?

  • Are you female and between the ages of 16-26 years of age?
  • Have you been commercially sexually exploited and/or sexually trafficked?
  • Are you ready to start on a path of healing and recovery?

How Do You Apply to the Program?

  • Referral from a community agency/worker
  • You must be sober for a minimum of 7 days
  • After the referral is received, we will set up a meeting in-person or telephone to access your readiness for the program
  • If all the criteria is met and there is a bed available, we will plan to move you into the program

If you meet the following criteria, please contact for an application to the restorative program.